Thursday 29 August 2013

First Post

My past.
I never really share my thoughts or feelings to anyone except for my boyfriend. I guess he knows the main chunks and minor details or my pathetic life. Sorry, how rude of me. I haven't introduced myself. I'm your typical  in a life crisis over emotion teenager. I don't want to reveal my real name in case my family or school mates find my blog. You can call me Linka. My only purpose here is to send my thoughts into the network of connection we call the internet. Maybe someday when I get older and more mature I'll look back at my entries and see how life was like in my teenager crisis.

.... Lets start with Today. What did I do today? If my story were a novel it there would be a full written page and the rest all blank. I organized my binder for school so I don't have to worry about it next week. I'm very excited and nervous at the same time. Which I know is normal for every other student attending a new school. I hope I can make the best out of it.I'm starting out at a new school. It's my last year and its not going to be easy for me since I don't anyone. Mostly I'm taking science courses this year but phys. ed class is my main worry. I'm not really comfortable with my own body and I tend to sweat more then an average person would. I'm not overweight, I'm just slightly chubby around some areas. I'm working on toning my body more and eat more clean food then fast food. It's actually quite hard when you work at a fast food joint. This past week ive been working out (dancing around, lifting 5lbs) to get myself prepare for the long walks and bus rides to school, work and home. 
I'm gonna end it here because I've ran out of things to say and I have work in 8 hours. Toodles ~