Monday 23 June 2014

Is this forever?

Recently I just moved out of my parents house to go live with my boyfriend. As you know, my family is struggling with their debt. In-order for them to become debt free, their only option is to sell our home. My parents are falling behind on bills due to my dad's job always shutting down every now and then.

It's been almost a week since I've moved in with my boyfriend and I'm sort of starting to regret it. Don't get me wrong. Our relationship is still strong as ever, although we do argue over little things which I believe is normal. The house..  not really the house I want to live in anymore. I have 3 words for you folks; pet hair, mice and flies. I love my boyfriend's dogs to death but Mickie sheds so much you can make 10 other dogs out of his fur. Duke, the little wiener dog pees everywhere like there's no tomorrow. I've been working openings for the past couple of days and when I come home I don't know where I should clean next.. and to be honest I don't want to clean the house anymore. I clean one thing at a time and the next thing its back to its original filthy state. There are mouse droppings ever where. My boyfriend said that they usually come around during fall, and I am mentally and physically preparing myself.

The other day I asked my parents if things don't work out with the house selling, I'm willing to move back and help them financially (co-signing my name).

I've only lived in the house for  less than a week and I already want to move..

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